Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Saints of Circumstance Held Over!

To give you a few more days to enjoy Miles's fabulous work. The pieces will be up until May 29th so please drop by again or for the first time. We're happy to report that the work has been getting the attention it deserves and there have been many local people and travelers who have been thrilled with it. We'll see you before May 29th... when we may possibly have a little closing get-together. Stay tuned!

Here are some snapshots from the opening reception which was filled with friends and warmth.

The wonderful musicians who played guitar and bass for us all evening - thanks guys!


Kjerstin (who you'll be seeing around the gallery a lot more soon!) and our talented framer, Matt

Kym and Miles deep on conversation

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Miles Lowry's "Saints of Circumstance" Opening!

Starting this Thursday May 6th, we're very excited to be exhibiting new work by Miles Lowry in our show "Saints of Circumstance" Miles will be showing his haunting, lush new paintings on distressed paper as well as a selection of his well-known cast fibre figures. We're closing on Wednesday May 5th to set up... but if you're passing by, pop in for a sneak peek. The show will start when we open on Thursday at 11am. But it will also be fun for you to join us at our artist reception from 5pm onwards to have a glass of wine in honour of the great work Miles has done. See you on Thursday!

Last Day for Ken's Spring Works!!!

Today, Tuesday May 4th, is the LAST DAY that we are showing Ken Faulks' gorgeous new spring works. Several of you have your eye on a certain piece, so please remember to come down today (...or if you come tomorrow we can probably find it for you...) as over the weekend a many pieces have been sold and we expect more of the same today.

Of course, if you are find yourself caught up in other endeavors today and don't make it in, we will be showing selected works by Ken on request. A number of pieces will remain at the gallery (since they're too beautiful to give up!) so for those of you who have been dropping in throughout the show to visit a particular piece, remember that we are open to discussing loaning you the piece for a few days so you can get the feel of it in your home.

We'll look for you in the gallery today - this afternoon is also a lovely time for a walk!

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