Friday, October 29, 2010


praise from art critic Robert Amos.

Here is a look at the Victoria Times Colonist article he wrote on our current Victoria Modernists show, Oct. 09 2010.

We're blushing!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Coming up..

at Mercurio.. new work by Glasgow-born and Emily Carr contemporary, Ina Uhthoff!

Shown here is a close-up of Uhthoff's vibrant 'Esquimalt Fair'.

Also, swing by the gallery this Sunday to jump on some of our amazing fall deals on all ceramics, art, and jewellery!
And while you're downtown, walk a few blocks to the Strath to hear our graphic designer, Andy, and other great musicians from around town play some killer blues, from 2-6pm. Last week it was really cookin', so don't miss out!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Birthday to us! October 17th marked Mercurio's third year anniversary - quite a milestone in the gallery world.

We are very excited to be entering our fourth year of providing beautiful and affordable works of art, and a relaxed atmosphere to examine the history and connections of the last half century of Victoria fine art!

Here are some pics from the anniversary party...


Kym Hill, Sylvia Graham, Jim Gordaneer, Michael Morris, Pat Martin Bates, Jan and Helga Grove, Godfrey Stephens, Laird Campbell, Miles Lowry, Ken Faulks, and more!

Photos courtesy of Ken Faulks, Hanna, and Kimberly B.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


fall days are here in lovely Victoria!

This bright yellow graphic piece is one of Mel Munsen's kiln-formed glass sculptures.
Originally from San Diego, CA, Mel is a unique artist whose work is as technically impressive as it is aesthetically beautiful.

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