Tuesday, June 28, 2011


left: mixed media on paper from the "Lake Series", 1980.
Our next big show is in the works: a new retrospective of paintings and ink drawings by the West Coast Master, Jack Wise. We are preparing an exhibition and sale spanning Wise's career and a variety of media.
July 12-24th, join us for another look at the complex and beautiful ouevre of this respected artist...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Land(scape) Rush!

Staff at Mercurio are wrapping up an exciting and successful Ken Faulks "Bringing Home the Light" show. His fabulous oils are now on their way to adorn walls from Hawaii to Colorado, Edmonton and Toronto. The show, presented both at Coast Collective's Havenwood and at Mercurio was a great success, with a large number of sales and a positive response from the many viewers at both venues. Very gratifying all round!!!

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