Saturday, January 10, 2009

Thanks to all involved for the enthusiasm surrounding the current show. The Limners retrospective has drawn interest beyond our expectations.

Ongoing sales and trades amongst the inventory have made it rather impossible to present a comprehensive catalogue during the event. Please allow us to tempt your curiosity with the following list instead:

The Limners Group – a sample of work available as of Jan 10th/09

by Max Bates
O/d 24" x 20"
Produced in 1961, there was a very limited run of this intriguing image; this print is number 4 of the 16. It is framed simply and modestly priced at $1100.

By Richard Ciccimarra
O/d 13" X 15"
A classic example of this artist's work; it was likely produced in 1965. Pat Bovey featured a version of the piece in her book “The Limners - A passion for Art” (1996, Sono Nis Press). The work is newly framed featuring perfect proportioning and highest-grade protective glass. This rare find is $3700.

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By Walter Dexter
Diameter: 11.5"
Apparently Walter is still having fun. We are being offered an opportunity to share the joy…there are two plates with similar images. Each is $310.

By Myfanwy Pavelic

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